The world of Alexander Onishenko

Alexandr Onishenko je díky své jedinečné technice černého plátna uznáván po celém světě jako expresivní a citlivý umělec.

Jeden z nejúspěšnějších umělců v České republice přišel do země jen s málem a začal svá díla prodávat spolu s dalšími výtvarníky na Karlově mostě.

Alexandr Onishenko, rozený Ukrajinec, tam ovšem nezůstal dlouho. Kvalita jeho práce byla nepřehlédnutelná, proto mu byly nabídnuty výstavy nejen v tuzemsku, ale také v Německu, Francii, Španělsku, Velké Británii, USA aj.

Onishenko brzy otevřel svou vlastní galerii, kde můžete vidět jeho nové impresionistické obrazy.

He breathes life into even inanimate objects giving them a vibrancy and personality of their own. One can explore his landscapes, see around corners in his forests, fly with his birds, gallop with horses, explore Gothic courtyards or soar with him over the rooftops of Prague. Onishenko’s paintings are full of energy and, although impressionist in style, rich in detail. His are not one-dimensional canvases, one can return to them again and again, each time discovering new depths, and hidden secrets.

Prague, Czech republic, 2015

His world emerges out of a black square where every bright stroke of his brush reveals the depths of darkness.

These powerful and condensed strokes splash out scenes that seem to push the image out of two dimensions into a three dimensional world.

The Master invokes in us a feeling of immense pleasure as we recognize this world in his paintings.

His masterpieces can be relished forever and there is always a new meaning and sense to be discovered as we stand by them. 

This is what the talent of a true artist is all about. To create new meaning which you find on your own without asking the Master to hand you the clue for access or to prompt where to look for it.